"vintage" porn stars eBay auctions VHS cover art

even VHS! – (Bruno edition)

eBay auction – VHS vintage Bullet Videopac 9 – precondom BRUNO, Josh Kincaid, KYLE HAZARD

"vintage" porn stars eBay auctions

Bruno Bruno Bruno

eBay auction Mandate, June 1983

eBay auctions Target Studios

TARGET ALBUM #2 1981 (Bruno & Bull Dozier, Boyd Turner)

introducing Boyd Turner; Cal Grainger, Todd Brocke, Bruno & Bull Dozier; plus: Branch Lester, Dak, Etienne Artwork – published Summer 1981

"vintage" porn stars

Bruno’s butt

sorry for the “just ripped out of a magazine” quality (can you tell I lifted it from an eBay auction page?), but still, nice shots! who’s the bottom?

"vintage" porn stars

Bruno and…?

who’s the blond? from Colt’s Gallery 10 (1973)

"vintage" porn stars vintage gay t-shirts

Advocate Men (Bruno)

i want the shirt!

"vintage" porn stars

Bruno & Mike Spanner

I’m sure most, if not all of you have seen this pair before, probably even this shot. I cropped the crotches out, as I just wanted to focus on their faces, and the wonderful contrast of their skin. This is from a Target Studios magazine from 1976 called Javelin Two. The only film Spanner (Big […]