adding a new category, erotic art, after realizing I have tons of images on this hard drive from such names as Sean, Matt, Rex, Bill Ward, Toby (Bluth), Domino, Craig Esposito, Ace Moorcock, The Hun, Luger, Etienne, Marc D. Sade, that guy from Finland… (so many uni-named artists!), often from magazines (Drummer & Stroke, for example) or book cover art… let me know who I’ve missed!
(edit/update:) geez – I never completed my thought, which was supposed to be, “after realizing how many “art” images I have, but so little postings, I need to add a category, and start posting some of those drawings”
36 replies on “erotic art”
I like Rex the most by far, he is very imaginative and skilled. I also like some of the ones with horses, which I find unbelievably hot, but I know you can’t post those.
1) – oops! I mentioned Rex, but posted no images!
2) – w/horses? hmmm, i know if it includes LADY horses, or LADIES, you are right, I couldn’t post… but, you got me curious – links?
This is the one where I (to my total surprise) found the one I was thinking about, but I don’t think the link works. I’m putting it here just in case. There were some really beautiful ones in that same group. Some of his things are really rough, it can go too far even for me, but I love his style a lot of the time. I also think that some of the ones I was referring to are now taken away, and I was surprised I found it at all. So just taking chance that this link works. Of course, if it has anything you don’t want on your blog, just delete this comment. Let me see now if it works after I post…
So–my first reply to you, both of those let you into the Rexwerk site, and you can see a few images, but they want you to pay pretty quickly.
The very long link I thought didn’t work DOES work, and takes you to one of the google ‘images’ pages where there are several sites you can link to or they’ll just go to the side and have a good selection below it where you can see some good Rex pieces.
The one at the bottom of the same comment with the long link is already a mystery to me, or what the fuck I was even thinking: It doesn’t work and I don’t know where it came from.
I like the Domino drawing you posted too. It looks very influenced by Rex, or vice-versa. There’s a good interview with Rex on the Tom’s Blog I linked.
About 1996, there was a gallery in SoHo/TriBeCa area that showed works by all of these. There were some Rex and Hun ones there. It was great show, and the only time I got to see originals. Read about it in The New Yorker, of all places.
Interesting – do you recall the writer or what month the issue was in of the New Yorker?
this part, under your comment, doesn’t work as it doesn’t have any “www” or “http” at the beginning – looks like the tail end of a google search
what’s funny about trying google search – I keep coming up with gay T-Rex sex! who knew dinosaur sex was a thing?
I found out how you can see one of the ones I was first talking about. He does some with dogs, which I can’t stand, but a couple with horses, which are totally exciting to me, although that makes my ‘total pervert’ reputation even more extreme, although I’ve never actually done it.
1. Follow my very long link above, which works beautifully, then choose the second at top. Rex Verboten: Rex: 978386
2. Click that on and it goes over to the left and that drawing is enlarged (and I find totally hot too, with the hung guy, prick hanging all the way out, feeling up the ass of the guy at the pinball machine (I think that’s what it is) to the left)
3. Under ‘Related Images’, click the pic that says ‘doubles4.gif’ and one of the ones I was talking about comes up under that.
4. If, instead of clicking the pic itself (and getting it large at the top with different ‘Related Images’ below), you click on just the link itself, viz., doubles4.gif just below the pic, you get a similar, but much, much more fabulous, selection of 4 pages on the rexwerk site–exactly like the first ones I posted, but this one I just found now by accident. And man, there is luxurious cum all over the place. I think the first two only gave one or two drawings–this is best one.
I wrote ‘goes over to the left’, when it should be ‘goes over to the right’ after you’ve clicked the image on the main page. Most would know this, though.
quick reply – HA! I was just saving those 2 a draft post!
I’ve got a large folder of gay art as well, some of the names you could look to see if you have or maybe search for would include the following:
* Al Shapiro, who drew Harry Chess
* speaking of (hairy) harrys, Mr. Harry Bush of course
* George Quaintance (not as XXX as erotic, gay-themed art)
* Michael Breyette
* Ira Smith
* Craig Esposito
* a few one-named artists — Beau, Kent and Rex
* and then a few I remember from the days when I used to read Handjobs magazine, sort of straddling the line between old and new at this point — Julius, Josman, Rolando Merida, Lord Iron and Roger. I’ve got a bunch of images by both Julius and Roger, their art was featured in that mag very often, if not every issue I saw then most of them for sure.
There are many newer artists, a lot of which is computer-generated and while the endowments are consistently impressive, after a very short time a lot of this newer stuff starts to look the same to me, or derivative. Maybe it’s like porn scenes in that way, the really good stuff has mostly already been made.
Quite a few Julius images here:
Have you ever seen this index of gay art? A lot of artists are listed.
WOW! quick response – WOW! it looks familiar, why hadn’t i bookmarked it??? THANK YOU – this is awesome!
Agree. Thanks, this is great and has some great Rex. Lots here are Bill Eld fans, I’d forgotten he did one in his ‘Legends’ series.
Love the raunch-euphorias:
as well as the idealized gorgeous-boy types:
ohhhhhhhhh, horses! naw. (but the rest is very cool)
If you can edit, do please edit that one out if you feel uncomfortable with it and want to (it’s representative of Rex but not most people), OR…I’ll copy it (doing it right now) and repaste it without that. Rex has a lot of images that freak people out–including some cruel ones I don’t like. Thanks–either way, at your service, monsieur.
(I hope these links work! – LEGENDS)
Wow, I wish this fascinating post, wasn’t so crowded; but no other place seems appropriate. Let me join in the chorus, of those who admire the vivid, distinct work of REX. : 0
I’m a fan, despite the disturbing, and gross, subject matter! Bestiality! Bodily fluids! YUCK! : /
Many of his images are hot. He likes rugged, masculine men. You’ll notice though, that he’ll always put in a little gross or kinky detail; that will stop a drawing, from being too romantic or pretty. : |
Notice the drop of saliva, dripping in this affectionate drawing – otherwise, beautiful kiss!
Anyway BJ honey, I need some identifying help, from your knowledgeable readers. You’re a bit of a hose-monster, Parisian. Maybe you know the answer. : )
Appropriately enough for Inches Magazine, Rex drew a number of portraits; for famous, well-hung gay porn stars. It may have been a special issue named, “Legends”. Parisian mentions this above.
I found ten of them, online. Five, I can easily identify. The other five, I can’t. This really pricks my brain. Get it? Hey, I thought it was funny. Things like this, keep me up at night. : )
As I’ve said ad nauseam, I’m not a “size-queen”, or a “hose-monster”. I agree that prodigious peckers can be visually exciting. But with me, it has to start with the face. I then, work my way down. : )
Stars like John Holmes, Gary Boyd, Marc Stevens, Mike Adams, Alan Corriveau, Ray Fuller, Steve York, Bill Harrsion, etc., don’t do a thing for me. It’s curious though, that I remember so many of them. : D
This is so much fun! I can’t resist posting these! I’m all about lists! These five, I can easily recognize. : )
I’m going to try and go in chronological order, of their careers. But don’t quote me! I may be wrong.
This is obviously John Holmes – the unruly hair and mustache:
Parisian above; already posted this image of Bill Eld, in his bearded phase. The glassy eyes and cheekbones are a good clue:
The denim jacket helped me recognize, this is Lee Ryder. The lean body and dick were also a clue. It’s from a rather famous photo:
Of course, this is Michael Christopher. The dick, pecs, dimpled chin, and moon face, are unmistakable. Notice his eyes are closed. Looks like REX, didn’t care for his dazed peepers. : )
I’m sure most of you will agree; this one is the easiest. All the physical details are there, for Chad Douglas. He’s the most recent, “Legend”. He may be one for many, but for me, he wasn’t a Porn Divo:
Okay readers, help me out! I swear, I won’t automatically think, you’re a dick hound! “SNIFF – SNIFF.” LOL!
These next five, are too vague and generic; for me to try and figure out. I’m guessing they’re among the above list, of those whoppers, which I didn’t care for. : (
#1 – Who is this? He looks young. That’s all I’ve got. : (
#2 – Ditto with this one. They both have snub noses:
#3 – Another one who’s young? Okay, he’s uncut. But that still doesn’t help me:
#4 – Finally, someone who’s mature. Is this Al Parker? The physical details are there, but I’m not so sure about the hair. Can anyone verify?
#5: – Okay, he’s a stud-muffin: young and muscular. But that still doesn’t help me. The ambiguity seems intentional here – tousled hair?
Okay viewers. Go at it. But I would appreciate some corresponding evidence, if possible. Trust, but verify. This is so important! Thanks in advance! : )
Ah, BJ! So many wondrous and mystifying posts! : 0
So little time! : (
; )
Happy New Year, Obsessed! This is a wonderful collection you’ve posted here.
I had never seen the John Holmes one, and Rex indeed makes him look–how shall we say–several classes higher? Why, he might even be Upper Middle Class showing off his brash virilia at a Socialite Party in any presumptuous city. Certainly a much prettier look than he sported naturally. He looked good once, by that I mean well-groomed, and that was in The Erotic Adventures of Candy, with Carol Connors, and that had at least a bit of money behind it. Connors was excellent. I saw it at one of those “endless-summer” porn houses, the World Cinema, when 57th St. (yes, 57th Street) had a couple, at least, of them. He’d had somebody to comb him, or rather was forced to, the hair was usually rather brutally oily. Their fuck scene was truly erotic too. Did you know she’s Thora Birch’s mother? After her own adventures in porn, she became a more or less conventional wife and mother. Fortunately, finished with Holmes before getting AIDS. She had not been able to make it in legit TV or film, unless you include The Gong Show, for which she is still somewhat celebrated. Most of John Holmes’s movies had this sort of unclean quality to them.
#3 is definitely Ray Fuller. I saw you weren’t fond of him, but he was a late teen crush of mine and may have been one of the reasons I’ve become such a garden variety Hose Monster (never heard that term, love it…_) Those are definitely the proportions of his lovely youthful but highly masculine physique and that irresistible HOSE.
#4 I think you’re right that that’s Al Parker, but plenty of people here might be better able to discern that. I found him more interesting than alluring or seductive.
I don’t remember Lee Ryder that well, but his Prick was surely drawn way out of proportion by REX.
I don’t know if people are aware, REX is quite alive and kicking… He’s begun selling original prints again on AdultStuffOnly – the Bill Eld image referred to here is there now – https://adultstuffonly.com/Listing/Details/74070879/ORIGINAL-8-by-11-inch-ARTIST-PRINT-REX-BILL-ELD
He donated a bunch of prints to CLAW (Leather Play-party-cum-convention) at their event in LA around Thanksgiving.
His original works (not prints) come into the market now and then – $$$$’s of dollars tho.
excellent – thank you!
Parisian, mon ami! You’re always so “au courant”! : )
I always try to be precise and cogent in my posts, so as to not become redundant. But you always bring up some fascinating detail or information; which rev up my imagination, once again!
I can’t resist replying, to your replies! You feed my self-indulgence! Notice, I put the blame on you! BJ is a saint, for tolerating the insanity of both of us! : D
Yeah, I realize for someone who claims he isn’t a size-queen; I know a lot about the phalluses of famous porn stars, and have marked opinions – about them. The irony isn’t lost on me.
But I don’t get aroused, looking at photos of disembodied cocks. : |
I appreciate a nice looking dick, as much as the next queer. But in my opinion, it should be the icing on the cake, and not the complete cake itself!
The famous wangs of some of my favorites like Jack Wrangler, Michael Christopher, Glenn Steers, Rocco Steele, etc. are indeed, quite impressive! But that’s only one aspect, of their total package! They all had interesting or compelling faces, as well.
I’ve always been into men’s faces. It wasn’t until I got into porn, that I realized that big peters; were such a valued commodity, for gay men (“Big cocks!”). : 0
This made me realize that gay men, share more in common with straight men, than they do with lesbians or straight women. Straight men are also into size and hierarchy (“Big tits!”).
It’s been said that straight men, are also fascinated by big willies. It makes perfect sense, since most men are naturally envious, and competitive.
Look at the popularity of ugly, straight porn stars like John Holmes and Ron Jeremy. They would actually get top billing, over their female co-stars! It certainly wasn’t because of their looks!
The comedy films of Mel Brooks; are always filled with dick jokes! Notice the seemingly endless discussions, of the tallywhackers of well-hung celebrities!
For the record, I would have loved to have seen the joysticks of Gary Cooper, Forrest Tucker, Rock Hudson, Walter Pidgeon, etc. I’ll pass on Milton Berle. LOL!
But as usual, I digress… (I hope these links work!)
Yeah, you’re right about the grooming habits of John Holmes. Drugs will do that to you. REX does indeed, flatter him. There was a very early time, when he actually looked, blandly attractive.
Wow, thank you so much for the detail about Thora Birch’s mother! Mercy, I had no idea! “American Beauty (1999)”, was one of the last movies that I saw, in a movie theater! Was it really that long ago!
Thora Birch genuinely has talent. Who would have guessed; that her mother, Carol Connors – was in the most famous porn film, of all time! I remember her quite well from “The Gong Show”; before I saw “Deep Throat (1972)”, sometime in the ‘80’s. Damn! Thora’s father, Jack Birch, was also in porn!
I forgot to thank you for the drawing of Bill Eld. I actually had two previous version of this same image, but they both had long URLs. I’m always afraid to set off BJ’s spam filter. I was glad to use yours, since I knew it worked, and was shorter.
As the first, famous gay-for-pay performer, I wonder who came first. Was it Bill Eld or John Holmes? Both of them were drug addicts, and never reciprocated. It’s probably safe to assume, the Holmes contracted A.I.D.S., because of his heroin addiction.
Bill Eld is a mixed bag for me. In some photos he looks nice, while in others, he looks ghastly!
I rather like this picture. A beard, doesn’t flatter him. In his rare talkie, “The Destroying Angel (1976)”, I discovered he had a flat, monotone voice. It kind of aligned, with his glassy eyes.
Per some investigating, I discovered you’re right about #3 – Ray Fuller!
I found the corresponding photo on EBay. I can’t link from it. But here’s an image from “Ray Fuller = Man (1971)”. Click on second, gold box icon, located on the top right corner. There it is!
Nothing is as subjective as porn. I’ve got nothing against Ray Fuller. He seems like a nice enough dude. I just don’t find his face or body, to be particularly distinct or interesting. He could be a sitcom kid.
For full disclosure, like BJ, I’ve only seen him in stills, and the loop he made with Joe Markham, “The Longest Day (1971)”. I appreciate he was versatile. I know he has a lot of fans.
On his website, Joe Gage called him a “Shooting star”. He didn’t appreciate what I had to say about him:
He didn’t really have any muscle tone. In some photos, he looks pretty pudgy. I know this sounds bitchy; but in some pictures where his hair is longer, he looks rather lesbian – in my eyes. : /
I can’t verify this, but I’ve read that he used to be able to perform auto-fellatio on himself. But then his belly got in the way.
I also remember seeing him in a photo-set; where he makes it with a white guy named “Jimmie Walker” – DY-NO-MITE! LOL!
#4: I’m steering more toward the possibility, that this is Al Parker, as well. The body and dick looks like his, though the face looks more like poet, Rod McKuen.
Just to show you that my penis memory is alive and well, I think that David Anthony’s dick was similar to Al Parker’s – copper colored:
I also think that Alan Corriveau’s pecker resembled Rick Donovan’s.
David Ashfield, like Corriveau, was also a porn star that didn’t appeal to me. Both of them were so goofy looking! A.C. looked like a chipmunk.
I’m more amused than aroused by them. Both skinny guys with huge dongs! All their flesh seems to be concentrated in one area! It’s a wonder how they kept their balance, when they got an erection! LOL!
REX is actually pretty accurate, when drawing the size of these “Legends”. Here’s the corresponding picture of Lee Ryder. Thank you Buck Naked! It isn’t exaggerated. I made the mistake of saying he’s wearing a denim jacket. It’s actually, a denim vest:
So, out of ten drawings, seven have been identified. Come on, dick hounds and/or REX fans; see if you can finish this!
I’m so glad you appreciated this, BJ! You’re welcome! Many thanks for the information regarding LEGENDS circa 1986!
Your generosity and graciousness; can never be underestimated! : )
Thanks to you as well, Parisian – you little hose monster! : )
; )
just to clairfy – “both had long URLs. I’m always afraid to set off BJ’s spam filter.” – long URL’s don’t cause the spam filter to kick in – many many links do (and you are why I upped the limit so you won’t get spammed out) – however, on occasion, copy/paste may leave spaces within the lengthly link, and the link may not work – carry on!
P.S. The link to the John Holmes image, worked once, but then broke. However, if you copy the entire URL; then paste it in a new tab, while the old one is still open, as I’ve advised before – the image should open. : )
Obsessed, I think REX distinctly romanticized Lee Ryder, and the photo lets me know why I never really noticed him. REX gives him a very aesthetic face, and I don’t find it so much so in the photo.
I tend to agree with Joe Gage on Ray Fuller because, although he may have gotten a bit pudgy sometimes, I saw little of it, and I don’t think he had “lack of muscle tone” so much as he was just lean–and , like Joe, I love very lean guys with enormous GARDEN HOSES.
Fuller had a following a few years before Bill Eld and (probably) John Holmes, although I think I saw a few styles–he was sometimes rather rococo and sexy. Then he ought to have started phoning in his performances, he was so often nasty-looking that the best that even “lovely Seka” of the natural (of course) silver hair said only “he really knows how to give head”. A bit of sewer…
Fuller was definitely before Toby and, I’m pretty sure, Bruno. Only a couple of years, but those sweaty days of going to the Studio Bookstore and picking up Ballin’ With Ray will never be forgotten, even though the first Colt Men (with it’s $8 on it) came out by at least 1975. Still–makes a big difference. Jack Wrangler definitely had not started out yet either, much less Al Parker. More mid-70s, Ray was very early 70s. I remember reminding B.J. to do post(s) on Fuller, and after years, he did–to no one’s interest but my own. Yet he had been hugely popular among us young fag-gits in the early 70s. I’ve still got the mag Ballin’ With Ray and several others of his from the period.
The joy-sticks of legit Hollywood and European actors are Gary Cooper (we agree there), Humphrey Bogart, Gilbert Roland (you can see almost all of it in one scene of The Bullfighther and the Lady, I mean *Cor Blimey* as the British say, it was so fat.) He definitely moonlighted as a gigolo besides all those somewhat absurd Cisco Kid movies. Others include Alain Delon, Louis Jourdan, Jean-Louis Trintignant. I can’t think of any current American stars which interest me at all. In the olden days, David Bowie and Tom Jones, I guess. Ringo Starr more than the other Beatles. Albert Finney when young.
#1 – Who is this? He looks young. That’s all I’ve got. : (
Not sure about this but could it be Peter North? Back from when he still played for our team and went by Matt Ramsey. Something about the nose and lips led me to think that’s a possibility.
If Rex is still around perhaps he could shed some light on who the actors were from his Legends series, if someone reached out to him and asked. And how many he did in total.
I think I recall that REX is very retiring, almost hermetic– so I doubt “reaching out to him” is very easy, unless he’s changed and become more extroverted. He’s not someone I’d actually like to meet. I used to like him a lot more than I do now. Some of the drawings are almost too malodorous. I’m no longer into things like smelly socks.
zephyr – my little williwaw! I trust you know what that is. Once again, you suddenly blow me away! ; )
Hence, I’m addressing you differently, than just a “breath of fresh air”!
Can you believe; I’m actually coming back to this crowded (no thanks to me) post? We queers can be so anal, in more ways than one! Hence, my user name! : )
Let me thank you for identifying #1 – Matt Ramsey aka Peter North! You’re the king of minutia – eagle eyes! Bravo! : 0
I didn’t give your guess much credence at first, but upon further inspection and investigation; YES, you’re right! And it’s not just the (snub) nose and lips, as you’ve mentioned. It’s also the rather vacant eyes, and coiffed hair.
All the LEGENDS portraits of REX; have a corresponding image, which he uses as a template. Notice the body position of the drawn model, looking down at you. You, as the viewer, are looking up.
When you mentioned Ramsey/North, I remembered the first porn sequence I saw him in. “A Matter of Size (1983)” was one of those pivotal, canonical films, which helped define gay porn – a classic!
In a sinister dream sequence, also involving Bill Henson; Matt/Peter is introduced via close-up, looking down on him literally – light S & M. Just like REX’s drawing! The cartoon model is young and hung, but also beefy and muscular – the pecs! BINGO! It’s him!
(I hope these links work! Thank you Vint 70s – Lvr!)
I’ve had my qualms about Matt Sterling, but I acknowledge that he was a powerful director – sizzling! For the record though, I really didn’t enjoy this dream sequence, though I admit it’s pretty hot.
I thought it was mean spirited, not just kinky. It throws me out of the movie. I really don’t like seeing hand- cuffs in porn, in general. It makes me think of John Wayne Gacy – Yikes! : |
Such an exquisite creature as Bill Henson; should not be treated, with anything less than absolute adoration! : )
I feel the same way about Bob Bishop – protective! I don’t like the way Barry Hoffman, treats him in “Hayride (1976)” – his personal bitch! : /
That’s why this image below, I find especially disturbing. Did Matt Ramsey, really need to pull on Bill Henson’s hair, like that? I know it’s just a dream sequence, but I personally find it rather cruel! : /
Matt Ramsey/Peter North sure could squirt! Like Derrick Stanton and Rick Faulkner, he was a human geyser!
We’ve discussed the appeal of Matt Ramsey before. I had a post of him at Atkol Forums (now defunct), which was titled: “Matt Ramsey – One Hot, Choice Piece of Canadian Ass!” How’s that, for basic! LOL!
Like Scott Ransome, he was among those porn stars, which I could only enjoy on a base, shallow, visceral level. I usually prefer an emotional attachment to my favorites – a warmth, awe, or charm. Not just a physical need or desire.
But that’s not the case with Mr. North. It’s strictly a hunger to fuck him – that ass! “Wham bam, thank you man!” LOL! I don’t have any desire to kiss, or even hug him – just have services rendered.
I love that he was so anally receptive! Quite a trooper – he completely took on Rick Donovan’s serpent!
I would gladly suck him off, if he would allow me access, to his bodacious bottom! I would just be careful, not to let him gag me!
So because of that, I can’t really describe myself, as a personal fan. Though I have to say, all the scenes he did for all-male porn, were hot! It’s safe to say, they were all classics! : P
It’s a shame that he actually tried to deny his gay porn past, once he became “Peter North”, in heterosexual smut. But he did enough quality work, that I can’t be offended.
I get a kick that he’s exactly one year older than me! Though, he didn’t age well. : |
I can’t really say he was ever handsome. More like, blandly attractive. At best I would say; he was cute as a chipmunk, back in the day.
But from the neck down, he was delicious – great body, dick, and ass! I would say the same thing about Scott Randsome, but he didn’t have a neck! LOL!
Anyway, Matt Ramsey, with his flat voice, could never hold a candle, to the divine Bill Henson! : 0
I’ll use any excuse, to gush about him! No doubt, he was one of the most beautiful men, to ever appear in porn – an Adonis, a demi-god! : P
He may not be a “LEGEND” or a “Porn Divo”, but he certainly was a wet dream come true – endless warmth and charm! *SWOON* *SIGH* LOL!
Henson only made slightly more, than a handful of films. But they’re all worth seeing – classics! : D
One of his loops is a Falcon solo, that’s a parody; of the famous 1982 underwear ad, from Calvin Klein. You remember, the one taken by Bruce Weber, of Olympic pole-vaulter, Tomás Hintnaus, from Brazil.
It’s pretty ironic. Since both Bill Henson and Tom Brock, were actually beautiful enough, to actually BE Calvin Klein models. Like Jim French, Matt Sterling sure knew how to pick them! : 0
I love that Parisian, appreciates my porn descriptions!
Ah, I put Bill Henson in my personal category, of “beastie boy” or “bruiser babe” – studly yet cuddly, sexy yet sweet, cute – but still a brute, hunky – but spunky, hot – but with a soft spot! : )
Even BJ, acknowledges Henson’s beauty – pure lusciousness! You better tell me that you’re also a fan, zephyr, or we’re through! Just kidding! : )
I thought Bill Henson’s North Eastern accent, was so endearing! I love how he pronounces the word “beer” as “beeah”! : )
Yeah, I know that I’ve previously posted this picture below. But what the hell! How can any self-respecting homo, not fall in love with him, at first sight?
Unlike Matt Ramsey and Scott Randsome, he WAS physical perfection – that face!
One porn writer referred to him as, “The magic that is Bill Henson.” – totally agree!
I’m glad that you don’t mind that I hijacked your post, BJ – cheers!
So out of the ten REX “Legends” that I’ve posted – eight now, have been identified! Yeah!
Thanks to zephyr for #1; and Parisian for #3 – Ray Fuller! That leaves #2 and #5, unidentified.
Come on, BJ readers and REX fans! You can finish this!
Control your power now, zephyr, but still stay cool and breezy! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great and clarifying posts! Not to mention, self-indulgent! : )
So little time! : (
; )
Now I’m a williwaw, cool! Or I guess cold, as in a sudden burst of cold air descending from the mountains towards the sea (thanks wikipedia lol, I knew it was wind-related just needed to remind myself what kind).
I had assumed that pic was Matt Ramsey, the dick + the facial expression was where my brain landed upon seeing that. Especially if these Rex pics are all derived from stills or films, that makes sense. Glad you see that too.
You had said that you don’t reddit, using that as a verb, so you’d have to take my word for the fact that I reviewed a few of Matt’s gay films. The Company We Keep not long ago, Matt and Brad Phillips in a van, a confusingly edited scene since they both topped and bottomed but the sequences are out of order.
What may have been Matt’s best gay film was Cousins, directed by William Higgins. Great music (which we may have even talked about before, a flash of memory popped into my head?) Matt’s cumshot directly into the mouth of one of his scene partners is outstanding.
I had uploaded a few edited porn clips to xham, of the six three of them have been removed for copyright :/ but others are still up. Including this one:
(enjoy the Apollonia / Prince music, if anything should have been taken down it’s likely that one but I don’t wanna jinx it)
It’s from a scene with four of the guys camping, riding horses and then fucking, Matt takes it like a pro and enjoys every second of getting fucked, before he spurts and lands a direct hit into someone’s mouth. He shoots, he scores! Then the guy chokes on it a bit and they both start laughing, in slo-mo that looks great.
Yes I know of Bill Henson, I also reviewed whichever Falcon film had his CK-inspired solo. And just a few days ago I posted this link, it’s a side-by-side I put together of Bill’s iconic pose on the Matter Of Size cover in the jockstrap, along with some derivative art based upon it:
To wrap this up, the second unknown Rex drawing you posted a link to, looks familiar to me too but I can’t place his name. I’m picturing a mid 80s Higgins film, one of many he made which looking back, he truly captured something special in his shot-on-film movies then, whether he or others recognized it it’s apparent to me now. Drawing a blank…
Maybe by seeing our comments on this crowded thread our sweet but stern blogmaster will revive the topic and dig up some more juicy drawings for a post! Have to build that topic up.
I love reading your comments obsessed, you’re like a wild butterfly and someday I will collect you and capture you! But I’ll be gentle and let you go, once I’ve had my way with you. Take care xoxo
(Oh Dear God, please let these links work! I hope they’re not encrypted! The URLs, give me pause!)
Oh my sweet, BJ! I’m so embarrassed, to come back to this post! Please forgive me! But once again, no other meme; seems appropriate! AD NAUSEAM: your generosity and graciousness; can never be underestimated – not to mention your patience! : D
Over 30 replies, no thanks to me! It’s almost a separate website! : |
zephyr – My Little Whirlwind! Yes, once again, I’m upgrading you from just “a breath of fresh air”! : )
Not only do you once again, blow me away, but you also leave me dizzy – awesome! : 0
This time, you truly leave me humbled! I now recognize you, as a better “pornoisseur”, than I can ever hope to be! I bow at your feet! Your knowledge and “eagle eyes” are astonishing! (But you’re still not as good as Casey Scott, an infrequent commenter here.) : )
“To wrap this up, the second unknown Rex drawing you posted a link to, looks familiar to me too but I can’t place his name. I’m picturing a mid 80s Higgins film, one of many he made which looking back, he truly captured something special in his shot-on-film movies then, whether he or others recognized it it’s apparent to me now. Drawing a blank…”
And to think, I STILL dismissed and doubted your next claim! This, AFTER you identified REX Mystery Drawn Portrait #1 – Matt Ramsey aka Peter North! My arrogance and hubris, knows no bounds!
I thought to myself, “He actually suspects that: REX Mystery Drawn Portrait #2 – is a William Higgins’ performer? Is he crazy? Get out of here! So many of them are young, blond, twinkish, and/or wholesome – LEGENDS? Hardly! REX derived the Ramsey/North image, from a Matt Sterling film – dark and sinister! Other than Rick Donovan, who else was especially well-hung, in a Higgins’ flick?”
Ray Fuller (identified by Parisian) was young and hung, but he wasn’t a twink!
But alas, once again, I’m forced to eat crow – YUCK! I throw myself, at the mercy of the court! I truly deserve another *SPANKY-SPANKY!* Let me flagellate myself, “Mea culpa! Mea culpa!” : (
I am your slave! Do with me, what you will! “Spank me! Whip me! Beat me! Make me write bad checks!” : O
Per your punishment suggestion, maybe BJ can throw me in his blog dungeon! Forever subjecting yours truly, to the 144p clip by John Waters; of Divine whining over and over, in that Christmas loop! : |
Oh, the agony for poor me, “Not the cha-cha heels! Not the cha-cha heels! Anything, but the cha-cha heels!” : D
I’m not quite a fan of William Higgins, and so many of his performers, as you are! But I still find your appreciation, very endearing! I like that we both enjoy “hotties” and “stud-muffins”! : )
I stumbled upon your answer by accident! You inadvertently answered my inquiry, by perchance – coincidence! BJ has also done that; for quite a few of my probes – connecting the dots! I was doing research, for a future post involving William Higgins (stay tuned)! : P
You seem to love, ALL his films! In particular, I was studying, “Brother Load (1983)”.
To refresh my memory, I actually watched it again, online. The first time I saw it, was in a revival house, decades ago; full of queers – The Nuart Theater (mentioned before) on Santa Monica Blvd. I think I also rented it, later. I don’t consider it, one of Higgins’ best – mixed reactions! : |
“Brother Load”, has four models, which DO appeal to me! And eight, that absolutely, do NOT! : ) : /
As I’ve said before, Higgins worshipped youth. I’m guessing; that’s his first priority. In my mind, at least, that’s how I’ve rationalized; some of his casting choices – “Really, you think HE’S hot?” (!) : |
The kind of young porn stars that I don’t like; are what I would describe as “twinks” – scrawny, geeky, gawky, androgynous, weird, “barely legal”, skinny, and pretty effeminate – bleah! : /
The ones I DO like, I describe as “hotties”; especially “stud-muffins”, if they’re muscular! I realize that’s pretty subjective, arbitrary, and capricious! But life is short! One HAS to generalize – get to the point! My fellow queers, are free to think, I’m full of shit! “Concernstipated?” I’ll accept that! : D
For “Brother Load”, I REALLY do like Bobby and Paul Madison (of course), Dusty Sands, and Lee Stern.
The others, I don’t really care for. Carl Reeves had a hot body, but a weird face. : |
The rest are total twinks! That includes the “Hardy Boys”: Tim and Joe, both femmy. Scott Simpson and Chris Taylor; were both gawky. Sandy Shaw aka Cory Monroe, was too dinky. : (
Now the last two, I ESPECIALLY find, off-putting: YIKES! : /
Like you, I couldn’t remember their names. But I DO remember their faces – YEESH! I hate to sound like a bitch, but some things, bring it out in me! It’s in my DNA! I try to control it, especially when I’m “triggered”! These two, set me off! I won’t say I was traumatized, but you get the idea! LOL!
Wouldn’t you know; that they both share a scene together?! How appropriate, that it starts out, in front of a “Boys Market” (get it?) – Double baggers! Oops! There I go again! I’m really trying to rein it in, honest! LOL! I think midriff tops; look so ridiculous on males – girly! : /
By now, zephyr – my porn sage, you’re no longer, “Drawing a blank…”! : D
Of course, you now recognize, that’s Tim Richards on the left – bony head, long face, and horse teeth! Having his face also broken, would have been redundant! “D-oh!”– My bad! : )
Both “Tims”: Richards and Hardy, turn me off! It’s definitely not, “Timmy Time!” They’re both more like goats, as opposed to lambs! “GASP!” – I should bite my tongue! LOL! ; )
And I don’t have to tell you, that’s David Grayson; sitting on the right – total queen! He’s wearing make-up, and the way he parts his lips – so seductive, NOT! : /
Someone should have shaken the van – “Move along!” ; )
By now, you should be hip, to where I’m going! You’re always so savvy – quick on the uptake! : )
I don’t want a fresh reader here; to scroll, ALL the way up, to the link we’re talking about. It’s quite a ways – a chore! Here’s #2 – the mystery, LEGENDS porn portrait, drawn by REX; for Inches Magazine in 1986. The only clue I had, was that he was young – unrecognizable! : |
As I’ve said before, all the LEGENDS portraits of REX; have a corresponding porn image, which he uses as a template. They’re either derived from a glamour shot still; or an action, screen cap.
Out of ten, I immediately recognized five; of the originals. Two of them, with hints provided; I later figured out, by pounding my head – KNOCK: “I could have had a V-8!” LOL!
zephyr, oh wise one – you didn’t fully guess the mystery. But your instincts were right on the money! I still give you, all the credit in the world – The King of Minutia! I would have never guessed this, without you! : 0
(Please let this link work – especially!) : |
I still can’t wrap my brain around this – DAVID GRAYSON?! Huh?! Say who?! Is REX, serious?! He considers HIM, a porn legend?! WTF?! From the URL, you can figure out, where this is from. : O
That being said, the likeness is uncanny – amazing! You can’t dispute his craftsmanship! Just look at the painstaking details – the thick mouth, vacant eyes, snub nose, and over-coiffed hair! : 0
You, as the viewer; are positioned, to look up. Just like the portrait of Matt Ramsey! : 0
However, like John Holmes, REX flatters him! As you can see, he’s actually rather tubby, here. Yeah, he was well endowed. But I wouldn’t call his pecker, a whopper – truth in advertising! : /
I must say, REX has really lost me, on this one! He actually thinks that Matt Ramsey and David Grayson (who?), qualify as porn LEGENDS? I can think of others, who are more deserving! And yes, they’re all well hung! LOL!
I’ll never dispute, that he was a great porn artist. But some of his images; DO alienate me – disturbing! But it’s nothing, compared to this – “GAG!” “BARF!” : / : (
BELOW – just get a load of the glamour shot, of this queen! Wasn’t REX’s work, all about masculinity?!
Notice the sultry pose, Grayson takes! He obviously has make-up on; the lip gloss! It’s like a Cosmopolitan Magazine cover, without the cleavage – Oh Mary! Did David, later “transition”?
Kim Kardashian would envy this photo – Hoochie Mama! It also reminds me of Barbara Streisand, as she appeared in drag, for “Yentl (1983)”! They both have the same hairstyle! LOL!
Actually zephyr, you almost; previously had the answer! To think, you didn’t realize it! This should ring a bell! Google is amazing! : )
Wow, I never really believed, so many of REX’s “LEGENDS”; would actually be identified! I just posted the links, for fun! And fun, it has been! Thank you so much, BJ! Glad you didn’t mind me, hijacking the post! You’re a gem! : )
Just to be clear though, zephyr; it is okay if your dick swells, but not your head! You may be the “Big Enchilada”, but BJ is the full Mexican combo – entre with beans, chips, salsa, rice, plus salad! : P
Fortunately, both of you are not too spicy! I’m low on the food chain. Just the appetizers, but I still give everyone gas – so much hot air! “Where’s the air-freshener?” LOL!
That now only leaves #5, as the porn mystery; continues! I like the way you say, how your “brain lands” on a physical detail, zephyr! This one below; is pretty difficult to decipher! The ambiguity seems intentional – tousled hair? : |
My brain lands on his dick, of course! It’s so big and thick – a real kielbasa! Because of his hair and body, I was sort of guessing, that it could be Steve York!
Could REX have covered his face, because it was so ugly? But then, York’s dick was more like an elephant trunk! Plus the drawing’s half face; is actually pretty attractive – nothing like Steve’s mug.
The short torso, leads me to guess, that the model is short – a stud muffin. I’m now leaning toward Johnny Harden! He would sometimes grow his hair long. And his body weight would fluctuate – sometimes lean, sometimes muscular. Hmmm…
But I’m not going to make a final commitment; until I see the corresponding, original image – like all the other nine models! Show the receipts – undisputable proof! Trust, but verify! : )
zephyr – Oh wise one! I have faith, that you may ultimately solve; the riddle! Either directly, or by association! I’m keeping my eyes open! Aha! : 0
Hey BJ, honey! Maybe you have the corresponding image, secretly stashed away, in one of your “folders”! : D
zephyr may be the “Big Enchilada” BJ, but you’re “The Chairman of the Board”! I never lose sight of the fact, that you pay the cost, to be the boss! I always remember to stay in my lane! : )
Stay cool and breezy, zephyr! But control the force of your power – awesome! No hurricanes, tornados, cyclones, or typhoons! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great, mysterious, uncovering, recurring, self-indulgent, silly, endless, exciting, informative, opinionated, posts! : )
So little time! Too many distractions – monkey wrenches thrown everywhere! : (
; )
I’ve been having issues commenting here the past week, hope this goes through. Obsessed, thanks for all your kind words. Having seen the David Greyson pic I do think that’s a match, though I’d have picked a lot of guys from the Higgins 80s oeuvre before I landed on him. He was kind of nelly, not as much of a looker as most of the guys from his films, though he had a very nice dick. I did like Tim Richards though, Tim is in both California Summer and Preppy Summer plus a few others, and he cracked me up in addition to turning me on. Reminded me of guys I went to high school with during that timeframe in the early/mid 80s. I just wish I’d had the guts to have experimented at the time, far too nervous… But I bet I might have even gotten a few of the guys I remember from way back then, if I’d made the first move or picked up on signals that sailed right over my head then.
Who knows, maybe my hunch / first thought about the remaining mystery guy will be right too, dumb luck if it is! But a cool breeze floated the name Brian Maxon to me, what do you think?
Not sure about the corresponding image but the body shape made me land on his name. From different scenes in Two Handfuls than the porn theatre one we talked about recently, but that’s where I think I remember him the best from.
I’d been meaning to revisit this post myself, number of comments already here notwithstanding. Not sure what years Rex drew art of porn actors but another artist we may have discussed here before, Kent, did the same thing in the 90s and beyond from what I can tell. Among other mags he was often featured in Manshots, drawing multi page art based on the sections of the body of one of the performers interviewed that month. Top third with face, middle third with body and then usually saving the meat for the last one. He was pretty good, here’s a sample I found recently of a top third of a 90s performer:
If you want this to be a quiz then start humming the final Jeopardy theme, doo-doo-doo-doo etc. But maybe a porn expert like yourself got him too, the answer revealed by the pics on this contents page (along with the month and year for this one) on page 52:
As with Rex it would be great if there were some master list of all the actors these guys drew, and a handy way to reassemble the Kent ones broken up by spreading them out over multiple pages.
You’re right to doubt me Obsessed, I’m wrong plenty of times. But I am not going to resist the invitation to lay some playful spanky spanky’s on your boo-tay, then gently rub any welts with a warm washcloth and some salve. It’ll be back to normal in no time! ;)
Kent’s website with more of his art: