"vintage" porn stars Target Studios

distracted again (Jimmy / Johnny)

So this Target photo set of Jimmy & Steve has our pal JohnnyLlama thinking the “Jimmy” may be Jimmy Hughes. Always needing to verify with some research, I pulled out some pics of Mr Hughes that show the most tell-tale part, the tattoo. (Although, having looked at these pics over and over and over again since last night, that chest kinda clues you in, too!) But never having seen him in facial hair, and not imagining he did work for Target, I needed more.

back and forth back and forth back and forth….

back and forth some more…

but then, check out these pics from a 2023 post 1974, with pics from Ten Inch Tools and then, yes, I think he’s right!

oh, and then, jeez! I think there may be some mislabeled “Steve” pics out there! Looking at his hairy ass in some of the Target PA-3 series, I think I, and others, may have labeled him as Bruno – THE Bruno! more research….

6 replies on “distracted again (Jimmy / Johnny)”

Jimmy Hughes largest role was in Greek Lightning (Jaguar Productions, 1973) with the starring role; he’s in almost every scene. The rape scene is the climax of the film & meant to be controversial. A very early Warren Stephens film before he founded Nova Studios in the late-1970’s. Jimmy Hughes is a few more Jaguar films, but he is not the starring model. He also did some work for early Falcon when they purchased loops made elsewhere.

The Jimmy Hughes with the facial seems to be a different model than more well known Jimmy Hughes. I don’t remember seeing him with long hair & a mustache. Is he also THE Jimmy Hughes?

I’m so excited that you decided to pursue this! And honored. I only just came up with this theory recently after having some of the photos from the set for years (thanks to BJ of course)

I was always more interested in the Random Motorcycle Helmet guy. I think he’s super hot. But suddenly one day I was checking out the set, and I thought *that looks like Jim Hughes’ chest* Oh, and they share a name!

I’m now of the opinion that it is him, but yeah there really isn’t any evidence. Just a sight ID.

BTW, Jimmy Hughes was apparently kind of a shitty guy. He ended up in jail. I think I learned that from GEVI.

Another great post, BJ! And thanks to David for more background on Jim Hughes.

Jimmy Hughes ended up in prison for murder, but I can’t find any details about it. He was G4pay before it had a name. Several early gay porn stars were straight such as Dakota & others.

ALSO, good job finding the photos from the “Ten Inch Tools” mag which actually show the face a little bit better. I definitely missed that one.

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