ZEUS Studios

greg(g) strom

I have to accept that it is summer, and we are just not spending as much time looking at our fave porn blogs…. so you’ll get to my post on porn malpractice when you get to it. Meanwhile, just a few BETTER pics of this man, and the contrast will really stand out. Or just […]

pornoclips Roger Earl

…and Tim’s throat

Not a Tim Kramer fan – at all – but this scene intrigues me because Tim is “taught a lesson” or some such nonsense by having 8 “cowboys” assault his throat – and one is supposed to be Greg Strom – but I don’t see him! Men of the Midway – Roger Earl (1983) Usually […]

"vintage" porn stars

porn malpractice

“remember Gregg Strom?” the text from the SKIN TIGHT photospread from IN TOUCH 81 asks. – yes, yes I do – and what have you done to/with him???? It ain’t Gregg’s fault, he models these “painted on jeans” rather well – and if you look at the ad later in the IT issue, that pic […]

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

meet you at the spice rack

the above clip from Red Ball Express is one of my favorite Joe Gage scenes, and probably my favorite kitchensex scene. Trying to think of others… Johnny Dawes and Beau Matthews in Skin Deep, Jason Steel and Case Harden in Studbusters, Matthew Marks in Naked Lunch, Eric Manhester, Dean Chasen, and Billy London in Head […]



so, I just went down a porn rabbit hole because of this – Joe Roberts at GEVI – where there is this: See the picture magazine Zeus Men in Bondage (1979) – and I don’t have the magazine, but only a few shitty captures from an eBay auction or two, and it made me wonder […]

"vintage" porn stars boots


apparently, this is not my first boots post but let me leave you with this one I call “Unfortunate fold” OKAY one more the quality of the photo isn’t the best – but the model, the pose, the lighting, the “what’s this guy doing can I watch will he let me” quality… that’s the ticket


boots n ladders (?)

i guess its a thing!