
crotch stache

I don’t want to pick on a guy – I mean, his actual cock looks nice, but the framing? why why why trim those pubes? see model below:

5 replies on “crotch stache”

The uncut blond in the top pic looks vaguely familiar, but I have no idea where I may have seen him before. More to your point though…

Perhaps a happy medium between the two extremes in these pics in terms of shaving? The first pic looks excessive and resembles a mustache, as your title suggests. But pic #2 (whoever he was, also nice meat) is like a hedge that is in need of at least a little trimming around the edges. It would be even worse if that unkempt hair covered up the shaft so maybe he did take a razor down lower, if for no other reason than to show off the size. I just want to run a little lawn mower over the second guy, is all, but not as excessively as the first guy did. Like in that Bugs Bunny ‘Rabbit of Seville’ cartoon when he splashes the hair growth tonic on Elmer Fudd’s beard area and mows it down after it grows.

I remember him from Blueboy or Honcho. He was in color. Spent many hours with him. Pages all stuck together.

hey bj — apologies for leaving a comment fully unrelated to the post at hand, but not sure if the email i have on hand for ya is correct and thought maybe other readers might have intel as well so figured i might as well make it public.

do you have any intel on dane leathers (aka mike leathers aka rick leathers) who worked in some capacity for Drummer during the 80s Embry years, and then was writing regularly for Manifest Reader in the 90s? He’s got a series of articles under the vague title of “Leather for the 90s” that I’m a bit obsessed with as they seem like a direct homomasculine extension of what Parusha was approaching with this Divine Androgyne book. The “S&M and Spirituality” issue of Drummer (issue 156) also mentions a Mike Leathers in tangent to a “mystical” S/M collective called “The Regiment” and their newletter “The Phallic Quest” with article titles definintely being in line with what was published in MR, but I can’t dig up anything here either.

if you happen to have any idea of who he is, anywhere else i can find his writing, or best yet, how i can contact him! i’d love to know!

with continually apprciation–

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