noramlly, this first pic of J W King would be enough for a post – the whole guy in trailer park who talks you into doing it vibe – but I thought a few more pics showing off why it would be so easy to follow him into the woods…

noramlly, this first pic of J W King would be enough for a post – the whole guy in trailer park who talks you into doing it vibe – but I thought a few more pics showing off why it would be so easy to follow him into the woods…
not the bestest photo, but gives a good sense from the opening scene of…. from the first issue of Mach magazine, not quite sure the year.
ahhhh, the big purge of 2017 – selling a big chuck of the porn collection before my move out of NYC. These images are from a special issue of MANDATE – MEN OF MANDATE (1981), featuring amazing photography by: COLT, Target, Roy Dean, Jurgen Vollmer, Roy Blakey, Man’s Image, Lobo,and Malcolm Hoare
wonder how often I post pics from MANDATE? And yes, we still haven’t figure out the identity of the model above
I’m sure I’ve posted Peter Bronsky before – just stumbled upon this scan of 2 identical (but slightly different) brochures.
ha! joke’s on me – I posted the exact images!
I imagine for most of you, two of these 3 men are familiar – above is from a Cadinot magazine, Coverboy #2, then a mid70’s magazine, Manhandlers, but I didn’t note the exact year, or if a photographer is credited, and of course, Myles Longue, from a magazine called Narcissus #1 from Pantheon Productions, no photographer credited, but I suspect many of the images were in a prior Pantheon issue.
Alex Strauss – yup, you’re wondering why I would post this, not my type at all! but the “art direction” of this first pic has had me laughing for weeks with this sitting on my desktop while I figure out how/where/why to post -well, here’s more, and that is that!