Category: “vintage” porn stars
Brad Dillon
While it’s nice to see Torso magazine re-publish older NOVA photos – this spread on Brad Dillon does not show off his “best feature” terribly well
I suppose I could just go to my own link above to figure out where these pics originated, but these are the full 4-page spread from 1984
photo is kinda Cadinot-style, eh? But it’s actually from Arena publications – from the Locker series.
legs in the air…
like you just don’t care
gotta be from this, right?
dick, face
I think I posted a few pics from this magazine in the Joe Andrews videography – from CLOSE-UP #1 – (1982) w/Todd Barron (Todd’s dick, anyway, here)
have I posted Benny & Mark Rutter only one other time? and we’ve only seen Benny in one “spread” – Best of Colt Men 2 – w/mark Rutter? Maybe that Denim issue? Don’t think we ever get a good shot of benny’s cock, he’s just a prop for Mark, but a super sexy one at that! And that’s ok by me.
hank this
more Hank Ditmar here at BJland