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whatever happened to

Cleaning old files, stumbling upon this title sequence, it got me wondering – whatever happened to the restoration of Le Beau Mec? Remember starting back last April, and into the fall, the restored film was getting shown in major cities around the country, and world – “Considered a lost film for decades, the negative of Le Beau Mec was recently found in a garage in Montgomery Alabama, with a trove of letters and documents corroborating what had long been rumored…” blah blah blah…. But has it become commercially available yet? Not as far as I can tell.

That blurb from the publicity for the showings – “found in a garage in Montgomery Alabama” made it sound quite mysterious – miraculous even, right? But googling for more info, I found director Wallace Potts’ obituary (and another Wallace Potts obituary here), where it says he was born, and buried in Montgomery! So maybe it wasn’t “a” garage, but his? or his parents or other relative? anyhoo… more digging, and I found this utube review – I didn’t watch, I imagine it’ll be full of titters and whatnot (sex! oh my!) so watch and report back for me, K?

One reply on “whatever happened to”

This is a good question, and I bet Liz Purchell of “Ask Any Buddy” knows the answer! I believe it was supposed to be screened here in NYC as part of her recent gay adult film series at Anthology Film Archives and had to be switched out for a very rare 16mm screening of another French film, HEAD TRIP.

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