"vintage" porn stars pornoclips


Daniel Holt + Richard West

Take a look at the trailer, which thankfully includes footage from the full-length version, not the 62 minute HIS Video hatchet job! The full version is 15 minutes longer, and may not actually exclude any of the sex, but has these great long stretches of Daniel Holt, driving around NYC in his cab in the early 1980’s. Locating the full version is worth that footage alone. If you’re a Holt fan, your in luck, he’s in all but one scene (and he’s watching the scene from across the airshaft as he whacks off).

edit: latter versions of only 62 minutes in length may have cut at least part of a sex scene in an elevator – to be investigated.

9 replies on “501”

Groan, that uncut version is IMPOSSIBLE to find! Was the full version released through Gagetape or another distributor?

The trailer and the back of the box shows the glasses guy (an elevator scene I believe), but no version of the film I’ve ever been able to track down includes that scene. Was it cut?

GREAT QUESTION – i had noted the time differential between the original release in the large box (79 minutes), and subsequent releases in the small box format….but hadn’t noticed the specifics other than it seemed “mood scenes” like Holt driving the cab seemed to be missing. You are likely on to something with the guy in the large box cover art. I don’t think I have a copy of the small box, but can check (someday) to check on this. This is why my basement is full of large box earlier releases of VHS tapes!

Hey there –
Any chance you’ve made a digital copy of Alister Armondo’s 501? I’ve been looking around and can seem to find it for purchase anywhere.
Keep it up – love your site!

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