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10 replies on “Ledermeister!”

Magnificent! I could be wrong, but I believe he was the first “Daddy” of all-male porn. Do you know if he’s still alive. You mentioned some time ago, that he was over 80, and living in a rest home. How I wish he would have written his autobiography. He had quite an interesting life. : )

some say Val Martin, others Richard Locke (for first “daddy”) – I had something on my site, but I think pre-wordpress days, so hard to find, on Ledermeister.

not sure if he is still alive, but some links to info:

(apparently, in this film Strapped, Paul picks up a photo of a young bodybuilder, presumably himself in his youth. “That’s a real photo of the young Paul Gerrior, better known as Ledermeister in Colt films from the 1970s. “)

No, I’m pretty certain that Ledermeister aka Paul Gerrior, predated Val Martin and definitely, Richard Locke. One of Colt’s earliest loops was “Spacewalk” released in 1970.

Let’s also not forget, that Jim French used him as Polaroid model, for his early drawings. This must have been in the late ‘60’s.

Doing a Google search, I recently discovered these two Polaroid shots of Ledermeister, taken in January 1968. Doesn’t he look great? That jaw-line! He looks so young!

So, unless someone can convince me otherwise, I stand by my guess, that he was the first “Daddy of All-Male Porn.” So there! ; )

oh yeah – i agree he predated the other two – but still am not sure who was first to be called Daddy – that phenomenon seemed to be more mid 1970’s, and i would look to Jack Fritscher to answer that one. (And Locke was referred to as a “daddy” when he was in his late 30’s, which always amused me!)

Are you sure that’s the right guy? Had though he died in 2009. There’s an obit page of a Paul Gerrior. The main reason that I ask,is because Jim french Diaries does a tribute to him and mentions his real name.And that was about 2011.

Paul Gerrior just passed away. There is a go fund me page for his funeral costs FYI. I am a fan as well and came across this thread.

In Drummer, September 24, 1978, Richard Locke was the first man in the gay press to be called Daddy. For more info on LEDERMEISTER, click this link to my free gay research site. ….Because on June 24, 1979, Paul ended up in my bed, click this link for specifics. I saved the designer sheets like holy relics, and still have then, and will some day steep me a cup of tea! Paul was unforgettable.

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