"vintage" porn stars

dick, head

oh, Rod – does a mere hefty cock on your head get you hard? – (more here)

"vintage" porn stars

The Bigger They Are (jocks)

from the magazine Jocks No. 2. published 1978 by Jocks Athletic Company. (and also the Jocks film The Bigger They Are – a Falcon division) – Rod Mitchell + Judd Preston

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

The Bigger They Are

Rod Mitchell and Judd Preston in The Bigger They Are – but i really doubt it’s 1984 – much closer to 1980, right?

"vintage" porn stars Target Studios

ohhhhh, Rod!

here he is with bearded Jeremy Brent (who modeled beardless for COLT as “Erron”) from their film The Happy Hiker. Mitchell also co-starred with the likes of Josh Kincaid, Bruno, Judd Preston, Kyle Hazard (the film, Below the Bayou AKA Houseboat, was probably when I first became fascinated with rimming, years before my face got […]