

Mandate 1986, from Kristen Bjorn


love on the piers

all I know about this photograph is that it’s from photographer Lou Maletta (who we know for many other reasons besides photography)

I didn’t watch, but will, this interesting (but brief) Interview with Gay Television Pioneer Lou Maletta (1936-2011) by Jeffrey Schwarz

photographers print porn models

ranch boss

Joe Grange (and his balls) are boss, and Dutch is the new guy – staches and cocks (photos by DJ Garrett)


have a seat

where my ‘stache go?

you probably remember these guys from hung blonde mustache post – photograhed by Adam V. Mild

"vintage" porn stars photographers


ahhhh, the big purge of 2017 – selling a big chuck of the porn collection before my move out of NYC. These images are from a special issue of MANDATE – MEN OF MANDATE (1981), featuring amazing photography by: COLT, Target, Roy Dean, Jurgen Vollmer, Roy Blakey, Man’s Image, Lobo,and Malcolm Hoare

wonder how often I post pics from MANDATE? And yes, we still haven’t figure out the identity of the model above

Cadinot photographers

scanned dick

I imagine for most of you, two of these 3 men are familiar – above is from a Cadinot magazine, Coverboy #2, then a mid70’s magazine, Manhandlers, but I didn’t note the exact year, or if a photographer is credited, and of course, Myles Longue, from a magazine called Narcissus #1 from Pantheon Productions, no photographer credited, but I suspect many of the images were in a prior Pantheon issue.

photographers vintage gay t-shirts

Masculin International 11

from photographer Roy Blakey – he’s got the entire issue, Masculin International 11. FYI, I did NOT crop the model’s head off the top pic, it came that way, and it happens to be the best picture in the series; next is the t-shirt I now MUST HAVE; and then, the magazine’s cover. No model name; there are others in the magazine I recognize, like Roy Garrett, Jeff Stone, Joe Porcelli (who I think went by “Paul” when he was in these Masculin International magazines)