

1978, photographs by Richard Sullivan.

I’ve been slowly adding found pics to a “Richard Sullivan” folder, once I saw that he’s got some great shots of some of my favorite pornstars – Richard Locke, Fred Halsted, for example; possibly as publicity shots for El Paso Wrecking Corp. but I was hoping there were more “porn” pics among the many images I’ve seen of his of famous people. But this post has nothing to do with Mr. Sullivan – it began, in fact, as just a few shots of a younger version of a star we’ve all enjoyed (yes, ALL OF US!) From a magazine called Too Hot To Handle #5, a series I thought I posted about, but dagnabit, that’s in the drafts folder waiting for some more research. Anyway, before posting these pics, I wanted to look at the original pics, the ones that weren’t “too hot to handle” for the regular In Touch magazine, saw more adorable pics, saw “Scott” with a different last name, realized I had posted a pic or two from that spread, had no idea he was the same Scott, and looking for photo credit I see Richard Sullivan’s name. Well, more research for that post!

jockstrap Pantheon Productions photographers socks

jox n sox n cox

photographed by Ned Hart, 1980

90's porn photographers

Speciale Foto 21

I’d been hunting down this magazine that features the photography of Michel Guillot – and while I am glad to finally have a copy, I must admit to being disappointed that none of his older work was included. This was published in 1994, and all the models look to be from that era. Nothing wrong with the gentleman above, I’ll readily admit!

The search for more of Guillot’s work continues….

men in suits photographers Richard Locke


by Roy Blakey, October 1979

Pantheon Productions photographers

hold on

Photos by Adam Cadman. From the magazine Fuse, and the film Appliance Repair

Cadinot photographers


acquisitions. too tired, busy, and lazy to mention the magazines, but I am adding more to my collection, and will share when possible!

"vintage" porn stars photographers


The ladies call him DIRK, but we call him REB; this image is from FOXYLADY, photographed by ROY DEAN, but we’ve got a bit more here