"vintage" porn stars

bob blount

who’s your friend?

AKA Lloyd Kasper

6 replies on “bob blount”

Love Bob Blount and have this magazine. The sadly ironic part of the magazine is that in some of the photos he’s driving a motorcycle. I remember reading an interview by one of his co-stars that he was a wonderful hairstylist and very, very charming. One my favorite Bob Blount movies, in addition to Inches w/Al Parker, was The Frenchmen and The Lovers. It’s available via BIJOU and they have tried to restore the film as much as possible. When I think of good Bob would have looked in HD—Sigh.

Love this handsome guy too.
So so sad.
I feel he would have gotten into acting on the big screen some day .
What a lovely man and he is missed .
There is not enough written abot his life .
So sad that he is no longer with us.
Cheers Scot

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