balls NOVA films

don’t point that thing at me

well, you can point that thing at me, but not that thing, OK?

"vintage" porn stars

size matters?

maybe, but which one is bigger doesn’t – c’mon, I think big enough describes these two well – Myles Longue (Ed Wiley) and Victor Houston – from a magazine called Deuce, and they performed together in Pier Groups; and another (news to me) called Rooftop Rape!


politically incorrect belt?

did we have “politically incorrect” back then?


Sunday afternoon walk

A nice walk from Province Lands Road through the dunes on the Fire Road, just past Hatches Harbor brought us close to, but not at, Race Point. It was a spur of the moment thing, so without enough fresh water (and snacks) we did a 30 minute in, 30 minute out walk without (this time) getting to the ocean. Beautiful afternoon with my sweetie! I didn’t even notice the guys working on the lighthouse until we got back home and looked over the photos. And the wind turbines in the background – Plymouth?


animals! in the water!

i like this clip because you can get a quick glimpse (audio) of exasperated me, of a gaggle of girls getting in my way (audio), their cooing in my ear ( ooooh, dolphins! DOLPHINS!), and yet, despite the sounds and shaky camera work, it’s just a lovely few seconds of some animals off of Race Point, on another wonderful whale watch.

BJ couch


at the ripe ol’ age of 50something, I may finally be getting my first couch!

Drummer magazine Gordon Grant

from Drummer 36

garsh, can’t remember if I’ve posted this before, but still, bares repeating, eh?