High Score – (1978)- Dale Arnold (A bazillion films, right?) and Tim Rice (Tim’s only other film is A Long Hot Day) – “Tim Rice is toward the high end of his twenties, short dark hair, wearing cute little shorts when he sees Dale Arnold saunter down the street; they talk, Arnold displaying his basket very prominently through a loose, white summer suit. They retire to the garage for a good sex session. The significance of the title is unclear.”
Yup. was wondering about that title!
As I’m prepping this, and uploading the images and video clip, the FTP program says “High_Score.mp4” is already uploaded, a year ago! Brief investigation, I uploaded what turns out to be another version of same film, but stuck in the drafts folder for a “Pornstar videography” for Greg Dale/Arnold. So, above is the shorter version, not sure what’s missing; but when I finally finish off Dale, we can compare and contrast. While not a big Dale fan, his freckled back makes me hope we’re giving JohnnyLlama a hard-on.