who you may remember from such films as
- Gayracula (1983)
- Hard Men at Work (1983)
- The Private Pleasures of John Holmes (1983)
- Falconhead 2: The Maneaters (1983)
- Valley Boys (1983)
- Workload (1983)
- The Biggest One I Ever Saw! (1984)
- The Company We Keep ( Weekend Action – Buckshot) (1984)
- Hard Money (1984)
- Hot Stuff (1984)
- The Hustlers (1984)
- I Do (1984)
- Non-Stop (1984)
- Caught in the Act (1985)

I would say his best work is in I Do, Non-Stop, Hard Money, and Falconhead – oh wait, Weekend Action from Buckshot, co-starring Joe Reeves is pretty awesome, too!
Steve Collins on Gay Erotic Video Index
(edit: I added some videoclips links since initially posting this)
- from Falconhead 2
- from Gayracula
- from Non Stop
- from I Do
9 replies on “Steve Collins”
That first picture of Steve Collins is really hot…Too bad todays don’t have a look like that. Also, over the years have mistaked him for Mark Rutter and
I don’t know why
How many more Steves do you have? I checked a folder I keep of porn star pics, many of which are later than your area of expertise here (Steve Hooper, Steve Cruz…) as is Steve Kelso, though his body type is more like what I usually see you feature here. Link about Mr. Kelso from 2013, it apparently had some pics but I can’t get them to load anymore:
There’s a Steve who I can only find credited in one Falcon film, Steve Sprague who wore sunglasses and a Peterbilt hat in his one sex scene in Huge 2, what can be seen of him he was quite sexy and had an incredible dick.
Ha ha ha! was gonna stop soon, and usually don’t go into the 90’s – but Steve Regis…..and yes! Steve Kelso!!! remember the Hairway to Steven webpage? oh my, and YES YES YES – Steve Sprague in HUGE 2 – LOVE THAT SCENE!!! his only film, right? I never think of that as a Falcon film, I’ve sold it a few times…. (posted about it)
I had forgotten about Mr. Regis, saw your post about him and remembered him as well. I think some of the Steve Kelso pics in that folder I mentioned I got from your blog, almost certainly the one where he’s holding his dick up next to a candy cane as I can picture you posting it here some December. Ho ho ho indeed ;) and I’ll look forward to that post upcoming.
As for Steve Sprague, if both you and gevi only know of one scene he did then I would assume that’s correct (at least under that name). Steve was hot in that scene, so was Chris Randall but what always stood out for me was Steve’s dick. Big, thick like a lot of tops from that time, but rock-hard in a way that I didn’t associate with a lot of porn until the age of viagra a few years later. The shades and hat obscured his features somewhat and if anything, made him more alluring to me. Between that scene and the one with Lee Ryder and Mike Stoker I remember Huge 2 fondly as well, woof.
What I always liked about Steve (aside from being very sexy with a stunning ass!) was the fact that he always looked so enthusiastic about what (and who!) he was doing. Remember his blow job from Jon King in “The biggest one I ever saw”? And that delectable trio in “Non stop”? Sure you do…
and what about his scene in I DO – Steve Collins is a tailor who talks the groom into a blowjob…slowly talking him into it as the groom feebly protests….but still shoots a nice load at Collins’ face… SO HOT!
Thank you all for the nice comments about my work back in the early 1980’s. It was an incredible experience. I got to work with some beautiful guys. Special shout out for director Steve Scott…a real sweetheart.
Sadly, almost all of these guys died. I sobered up in 1985. Definitely had a lot to do with me still healthy, happy, grateful.
WOW! nice to hear from you! I think you’ve been in contact with some folks doing various documentaries, and such. maybe? anyway – nice you dropped by – come again!
HI, STEVE. I saw a hot photo spread with you , & I’m sure that it’s from a movie, but can’t find it….you’re a butler, and young Latino guy is your charge……what’s the name of the film? thanks!