"vintage" porn stars pornstar - videography

Doug Weston

who you may remember from such films as

11/09/22 update / edit:
cleaning excess video files, came across this one, figured I’d add it to this post before deleting

8 replies on “Doug Weston”

First Dave Conners, now Doug Weston? Holy hell! These two caused my VCR to overheat countless times… just imagine if they’d done a scene together? My heart (and dick) would not have survived.
Doug Weston in A Matter of Size in that black polo and that amazing cock is still one of the hottest images ever burned into my filthy mind.

He was in two of the first porn films I remember seeing, A Matter Of Size with Bill Henson and Eric Stryker; and The Bigger The Better with Brian Hawks. His cumshot through the gloryhole in Bigger The Better is outstanding – Brian sucks him for a while, turns his attention to Gregg Stores on the other side as Doug withdraws his by then not-so-hard meat, and then pushes it back through the hole hard and throbbing, just in time for Brian to stroke a nice big load out of his cock. Too bad so much of it got wasted on the floor and that he split before the rest of the action took place, but I loved that scene.

Doug’s scene in French Lieutenant’s Boys with Sergio Canali is quite good, as we all know Higgins typically emphasized the younger, less swarthy types of guys, especially the longer he kept directing. But some of his earlier films had at least a few of the more manly variety to choose from here and there. Doug plays a struggling writer whose phone has been cut off, Sergio delivers a package and they quickly shift to the bedroom, despite Doug’s bad leg. Some great shots of Sergio extending Doug’s cock to its maximum length while blowing him, before Doug rips a hole in Sergio’s pants which leads to the fucking. That scene is a highlight in an average Higgins film IMO …

But the original Costello Presley music in that film is outstanding, as was most of his early output. Many of Costello’s songs were instrumental but there are three songs with vocals in French Lt., including the one heard in the Doug / Sergio scene which I tried to enhance a bit and posted to soundcloud:

(If you’re getting early Prince vibes from this song you’re not alone, the Costello music up to about 1985 prominently featured a LinnDrum, which were very expensive at the time and fuels rumors that Costello may have had music industry connections, whoever he truly was).

As hot as Doug was, and as much of an impression as he made in the films I’ve seen him in, I wish he had made more films or photo spreads when he had that look about him. Awesome dick and ass, and a face that a mustache makes look even better. Glad you liked the song too.

Replying to myself, the Shots Of Love song I linked to above is in fact in the final orgy scene of French Lt., rather than the scene with Doug and Sergio where it’s a different Costello song with vocals.

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