"vintage" porn stars

HUGE thanks, Marco

hey folks, got a nice email with this lovely pic attached, and I am too lazy to try to figure out who the model is, and any other info, but thought YOU GUYS (the 12 of you who still visit this page…) would want to help. Guesses, observations, info – all welcome, and Marco will come personally thank you for solving this puzzle for him.

"vintage" porn stars


have I posted this one before?

"vintage" porn stars

Dan’s Discipline

is that you, Paul?

"vintage" porn stars


Lee Brubaker, yes; Ron Zale, sure; Ron Barker, I guess; but RICK?

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

George Payne and Brian Granger

Men Come First (1980)

"vintage" porn stars

Bill Harrison

Entering the Erotic World from Wakefield Poole’s “Bijou”

"vintage" porn stars NOVA films


Beached! (1979) from Nova Films – starring Ty Arthur and Bill Lake. “Two hot, humpy studs go at it on the beach, at home and… in one of the most sensational sex scenes ever filmed… even underwater! Be there when these two come on hard and fast!… one you will never forget!” Who doesn’t love Ty Arthur??!!?!

Previously on bj’s gay porno-crazed ramblings: tube socks, 2 films, and tofu pups.