"vintage" porn stars Palm Drive Video pornoclips

David Gold

more David Gold (as COLT model)

As you may know, he did no film work for Colt, just stills that appeared in Honcho (July 1980 cover), Mandate (May 1980), a COLT photoset, but not much in COLT publications that I can find. A few years later, around 1988/1989, he did a film with Palm Drive Video, Dave Gold’s Gym Workout; another, Cigar Blues, is also credited, but I suspect is just a compilation of 5 men including Dave, in his case, showing clips from Workout. A brief clip below, all I have after having cold the VHS back in 2006 – grrrrrr!

and if anyone has better pics of him in socks, please please let me know!

4 replies on “David Gold”

I think that was a “Grrrrrr!” of frustration, but I think it adequately sums up how I feel about Mr. Gold. Grrrrrr…woof…grrrrrr!

I had forgotten that David Gold had done anything beyond his still photo work for Colt. Perhaps it’s because he went by “David Gold” for Colt and then just “Dave Gold” for Palm Drive. Many of the old print only Colt models were just that- they never did anything but appear in old photo sets and Colt mags. You don’t necessarily think to look for anything more.

Coincidentally, I have been reviewing and documenting (for my own entertainment) some of Colt’s lesser known models from long ago. Mr. Gold was definitely among the sexiest. God, I love a nice bushy mustache!

Apparently, David Gold’s first appearance was in Colt’s first T-shirt magazine ad wearing the now famous Colt T-shirt. There was a tremendous response and his photoset was released soon after. At least, that’s what the promotional material says.

GEVI lists the release date for Cigar Blues as 1987 with the Dave Gold Workout released later in 1992. I wonder how accurate that is. They also list his dick size as 10″, as it says on the box cover. It is impressive for sure, but I think this is a case of what I call “porn inches.” The studios always used to tack on a couple inches in the promotional material. I say, why even mention the actual measurement? Let us judge for ourselves and use our own imagination. Not everyone wants a 10 inch dick.

Thanks BJ! As usual, I feel we are somewhat in sync. I’ll be obsessing over this or that and then you’ll post something juicy that’s either right along the same lines or takes it in a new direction. I love it.

GEVI gets dates wrong all the time, and it made no sense that the likely compilation would come out so many years earlier…. then I saw some Jack Fritscher writings on the video, and at least ads started in 1988.

and no, that is not a 10-inch cock! it’s a quite lovely cock, but jeeez!

Yes, “Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer.” I was reading that very thing just the other day. Fascinating stuff. You can read the whole book on that website.

Thank God for Jack Fritscher and all his cronies.

I just watched the clip and I kind of love it. For the first 30-45 seconds I wasn’t sure if it was sexy (I mean, of course it was hot) or if it was sort of amusing because watching a guy workout and flex and puff himself up, it can sometimes feel a little silly. And I was thinking, why isn’t he saying anything? But then he spoke and I had a definite physical reaction to that. Very sexy. There is an amateurish quality- you can tell this was shot on video, but I like it. I like the rough quality. There’s a genuine feel to it. Guys like to primp and pose for themselves and others. It’s like a mating dance. Very hot.

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