"vintage" porn stars cowboys

more cowboys

surprisingly few good pics of Jack Wrangler in cowboy mode

ohhhhh, Richard

and of course, below, from Target Studios , Ramrod # 2 COWBOY; and Ramrod #3 COWBOY

"vintage" porn stars cowboys

some cowboys

cowboy or farmhand? I don’t care, do you?


you like cowboy cock?

yeah, that’s a butterfly on my butt; what about it?

move those cowboy thighs closer!

we’re running a 2-for-1 special…

hold my hat while I …..

like there’d be a cowboy post without MICKEY!

More Mickey? sure! Just Because; Cowboy Squires; and Mickey’s butt

"vintage" porn stars cowboys

Cowboy Collins

Have I done a Steve Collins videography yet? Oh yeah, that’s it there. Forgive the quality of these; snagged from eBay by someone with no scanner, so slightly distorted….

"vintage" porn stars

is that you, Max?

found this photo on eBay, identified simply as “NOVA”, but I suspect it’s actually a still from GAYRACULA, and that’s Max Montoya’s mustache, and Doug Weston’s butt, etc

(I’ll flip the photo over in the comments, if that helps?)

"vintage" porn stars Paul Barresi

I’m OBSESSED with Paul Baressi Barresi

you (and COLT, MANSHOTS, and probably Paul himself) say Barresi, and I (and IN TOUCH #19, Joe Gage, POPULAR MECHANICS) say Baressi; and of course Falconhead 2 has it both ways = BARRESSI! and let’s not forget DEREK!

"vintage" porn stars balls

balls, by Stoner

more Stoner (AKA Bill Cable ); even more Bill Cable

"vintage" porn stars


more from COLT’s SPURS series